Jewish Socialist Bund
International Chapter
Organisation pour la liberation du Peuple Juif (OLP J)
Jewish People's
Liberation Organization (J PLO)
Organisation pour la liberation du Peuple Juif (OLP J)
a Non-Zionist Declaration v4.2.3
{ Jewish Bundist Organization }
Montréal Kébèk
January 1, 1988 ACE / 5749 / 1409
revised 1993, 1996, 1998
version 4.2.3 : 25/03/1998 ACE
E-mail NEWSLIST since 1994:
SaaLaHa Reconciliation Conference LIST
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We, the Jewish People, are a wandering Nation who havebeen seeking a secure right to live in those lands where wereside. It has been written that the Jewish nation is the mostoppressed in Europe, and judging from the persistence ofanti-Jewish prejudice, one has to acknowledge the distinctlyhistoric proportion of that oppression. Never have we beenpermitted a continuous homeland for more than a few hundredyears before another expulsion takes place. Now it seems thatthe possibility of complete extermination is not out of thequestion, judging by the degree to which the recent NaziHolocaust was permitted to proceed. The consequences ofsuch a reactionary demonstration of power have not beenconcluded, since fascism continues to function, and theresponse of a permanent revolutionary wave throughout theworld has yet to reach its full proportions.
2. At the present time, confusion is spread by thoseseeking only to establish a power-base for themselves and sowill attack Jewish people while posing as either anti-Zionists,German nationalists, Christian zealots, or more recently, as "White" Power advocates. The manipulations of thenewer-Nazis and even former Nazis are by no means irrelevantas Western Nation-States have repeatedly demonstrated howmuch suffering they are willing to have the Jewish peopleendure in continuation of the various crusades launched againstus and the Arab and African Muslim nations.
3. Although the Arab nation has largely been absentfrom the persecutions of the European Christian Nation-States, the Zionist settler-colonial organizations and parties have movedinto Palestine based on the disadvantaged position of theresident population. Zionism built itself upon the Western needto make its amends when at the same time the West rejectedthe Jewish post-war refugees, who could not tolerate racism inEurope any longer or Stalinism in the Soviet Union. The Zionistparties accepted the Christian States' exclusion of the Jewishpeople from its very inception in exchange for their support. The realization of Zionism is the fulfilment of the Protestant "restorationist" programme which preceded it. The successesof Zionism have merely been accomplished through itsassimilation to the Western Christian-Statist notions of religiousmilitarism with its Crusader orientation towards the "MiddleEast". The Jewish Zionists adopt the Christian image of ancientIsraelites, while the actual Israelites actually had more incommon with their Semitic brothers and sisters, including theircommon Aramaic language, rather than Hebrew. Israelresembles the 52nd state of the U.S.A. more than the Kingdomof David and Solomon (who was also of Hittite parentage). The Jewish people need to liberate themselves from theChristian Nation-State and the ideology of Zionism which isonly the colonized mentality of assimilation into the dogma ofProtestantism, that sees the only place for Jewish people beingin Israel.
4. The Zionists and the Arabic peoples are in a stateof no war / no peace which the Israeli governments seek toperpetuate in order to suppress and maintain the Palestinians inexile. Only the balance of forces has resulted in certain limitedand partial concessions towards the independence of thePalestinian People. While such concessions are welcome, these represent only the beginning of the reconciliation(SaaLaHa) process. It is obvious that the resistance of thePalestinian youth in the Intifada since 1987, the diplomaticinitiatives of the Palestine Liberation Organization and theinternal Israeli opposition of the Peace Now - Gush Shalom movement has brought about the agreements for which theIsraeli and U.S. governments take credit.
5. However the Palestinians and the Jewish peopleare tied together by bonds stronger than war, more amiablethan the antiquity, and more than each People realizes. It isnot a semantic coincidence that anti-Semitism means both theJewish and the Arabic peoples are feared and hated in theOccidental political culture. The bonds that unite Jewish andArab people in practice extend to the degree that thePalestinian struggle should necessarily stand for the liberationof the Jewish people as well from anti-Semitism and fromZionism; and the Jewish struggle for liberation needs to alsoinclude the liberation of the Palestinians, each in reciprocity tothe other. It is evident that a common struggle againstresurgent fascism is a vital necessity.
6. It is necessary to break out of the impasseconstructed by the Zionists who believed that Zionismpresented the only recourse for Jewish refugees, and nowpresents the only recourse for future security, as if the IsraeliState is to be worshipped as a diety. The Jewish People must beliberated from Zionist ideology by the actual fulfilment of ourcivil and collective rights in pluralist society, by national-culturalautonomy and possibly even territorialism. Territorial claims ofcourse must only be considered valid if they respect suchclaims in general. One takes into consideration that theachievement of national auto-determination by the pursuit ofindependence is, of course, the right of every national entity, ifonly accomplished by means of the reciprocal principle, respecting mutual interests and rights.
7. Although both the WWII Allies and the Zionistmovement presented Palestine as the only avenue to leaveEurope for Jewish people in 1947, the reluctance of manyJewish Holocaust Survivors living in the Displaced Personsdistricts to become zionist colonialists enforced their emigration to North America. More recently the Zionist enterprise has noteven been considered a desirable situation by Israelisthemselves, who have emigrated en masse. The Jewish peoplein the Federation of Russia do not have even a choice in thematter because of the U.S.A. / Canada quota system, in muchthe same way as they were excluded before and during WorldWar II, with the collaboration of the Zionist organization.
8. It is in the interests of the Palestinian people'sstruggle to support the Jewish struggle against racism so thatthere will no longer be the apparent need for the onlyalternative currently presented to aid the Jewish people. Thegreat loss of the Jewish revolutionary socialists (Bundists) toNazism and to Stalinism has removed the most viablealternative to Zionism. There is an intertwining of the twostruggles so that a solution to Palestinian-Arab oppression iscircumscribed unless there is an end to Jewish oppression ingeneral; whether or not this conclusion is welcomed by anyPalestinian party. To begin with, one cannot ignore, and soaccept the existence of fascists and even Nazis presentingthemselves as anti-Zionists. It should be obvious as acounter-revolutionary act, and that it serves to hinder thedevelopment of a Jewish alternative to Zionist hegemony. Thesame is true in return; whether or not Jewish people acceptthat peace will only be achieved with the emancipation of thePalestinians -- all else is conjunctural to both Peoples.
The ties that bind our two peoples are a consequence of therecent European purging of the Jewish population even though the Arab peoples had no responsibility in the Holocaust. Thepertinence of the nature of Jewish existence to Arab concernsshould rather be based upon the necessary world perspectivewith which to achieve their own national emancipation. This isa strategic consideration which identifies racism and fascism ascommon concerns. Arab nationalities in Occidental countriesknow very well what these concerns are.
9. We shall not be enslaved, made homeless, norkilled when it is so dictated by the whims of ideology, and so weare hated whether we be Jewish or Palestinian. Why thenshould either of us consider the Occidental World to be our ally,and the other to be an enemy. We are of the same status,origins and oppression, and so if we cannot co-exist in peacethen no-one, it seems, will be able to, because of the powerswhich strive for political hegemony and oligopolistic economicdictatorship.
A Jewish Alternative to Zionism
10. Together with the continuing degeneration intoa social existence of perpetual war and war preparation --called peace -- there has arisen (Yesh Gvual / There is aFrontier amongst the Israeli military, Shalom Achshav /Peace Now) a dynamic of resistance to war and itscorresponding economic stagnation. Despite all the formalrationales designed to perpetuate what is universally abhorred,a Jewish opposition to the Zionist leadership and their followersof both the left and the right has emerged. This opposition isinevitable as long as we are pushed, educated, trained, ordered,tricked and then led into fighting yet another war, a secular'Sacrifice for Israel'. Ironically the perpetuation of the rationalefor violence has rebounded unto itself with the assassination ofthe Israeli Prime Minister Rabin himself, because he failed tolive up to his ideology's prerequisites, by having sought toaccommodate the leading Palestinian figure, the PresidentYassar Arafat.
11. The need and desire for a Jewish territory thatis self-determinant -- freed from expulsions and pogroms -- hasbeen led into the fortified ghetto being called Eretz Yisroel butwhich actually operates as the State of Israel under theauspices of the U.S.A.
12. The territorial solution that had been sought hasbeen converted into an absolutist religious idea, replacing thetraditionalist culture and its meditative routine of ritual. Prior tothe Holocaust the concept of the deity was considered to havethe power to deliver the chosen people towards salvation. Withthe dissolution of religious ideological practice itself, there aroseterritorialist Zionist parties based on the surviving religiousconviction that only in the Land of Israel (Canaan) couldthere be formed a Jewish homeland. Such an idea wasencouraged by the Christian States which were refusing entryto the Jewish refugees with the complicity of the Zionist parties.
13. However, the nature of things is that currently agreater proportion of Jewish people live in lands other thanPalestine (Israel): in North America, Russia, Europe, SouthAmerica, the Makreb (north Africa) or other Arab countries,southern Africa, India, Pakistan, China and elsewhere. In factless than a third of the world's more than 14 million Jewishpeople live under the State of Israel. The fundamental premiseof Zionist theory has in practice been ignored or rejectedconsciously by the greater proportion of all the Jewish people, who are non-Zionists. Israel is thus not considered the solelegitimate homeland of the Jewish people.
14. The Jewish nationality exists within and withoutthe Israeli State. However the non-Israeli Jewish communitieslive within an illusion of assimilation oftentimes sugar-coated inZionist acquiescence or pretension. While the territorialistyearnings of Jewish people -- to form a majoritarian society --iscurrently sifted into the Zionist pot, the territorial need shouldactually be satisfied in those areas where Jewish communitiesare centered, where our rights as citizens must and shall bemet to truly satisfy our social existence. This isauto-determination for all the Jewish people rather than thepseudo-independence of the Israeli State.
15. Presently Zionism negates the very freedom ofauto-determination, which it itself claims to represent, byattempting to submerge the Palestinian people below the levelof the struggle for Inter-national auto-emancipation; the onlycommon definition for freedom. One's right to auto-determination is predicated upon the respect one holds forthat very same right as it is held up by others. One's principledneeds cannot be fulfilled unless such a right is to be upheld forall others as well, as a principle, forging a solidarity throughwhich we become allies on the basis of our reciprocal rights. In this way are our needs to be ensured, not by militarism. Inthis manner, one reaches (as did Israel Zangwill) "a landwithout a people for a people without a land" *, and not bymeans of the Israeli-supervised Sabra-Shatila massacre -- apogrom which has ended the illusions of all who are notdeluded. After the Hebron reoccurrence and the assassinationof Yitzhak Rabin, such anti-human outbreaks can easily be seenas being integral to the lingering status quo situation.
16. An historic turning point has been passed. Letit be universally acknowledged, as it has been by the pastDirector of the Planning Center of the Palestine LiberationOrganization in Beirut, Lebanon, and currently PalestinianAuthority Planning Minister (Nabil Sha'ath), as early as 1977,that the Palestinian Charter;
signifies equally, that the exercise by the people of Palestine of their right of self-determination in Palestine does not include the right to exclude the palestinian Jews from Palestine, that signifies also that this right does not include the right to create in Palestine a State solely arab. The right to self-determination of the Palestinian People, applied to the jewish Palestinians, means that they must exercise this right on the land of Palestine, and that this right does not include the right of separation and consequently, the exclusion of the Arab people of Palestine. This is why the right to self-determination of Jews and of Arabs in Palestine must be exercised in common on the same land, Palestine. **
The Principle of Reciprocity is thereby acknowledged byShaath:
that signifies the end of all States which require that the self-determination of its ethnic group assumes the exclusion of another ethnic group ... it is thus the definitive end of all States in which segregation exists de jure or de facto. ** Ethnic-cleansing then is refuted by the PLO and the hypocrisyof Zionism remains. Currently the Palestine National Authorityis attempting a negotiated settlement in ambiguous terms whichprovides for the partial solution of two States. Furthernegotiations between the two States cannot be expected toproduce the desired results because of the terribly unbalancedpower relation.
17. According to tradition, the Jewish people are thesecond brothers and sisters of the Palestinian Arab People, andit should be understood that the respect given to another is themeasure of the respect to be expected, in any reciprocalmanner of living. We, the Jewish People, should acknowledgethat the Palestinian tradition parallels the Jewish history induration, intensity and tragedy. We recognize the historiccultural affinities with the Holy Land by the Jewish People butwe do not consider our history to be exclusive of others. TheNeutura Karta provide an example of Jewish residents whohave lived in peace with the Palestinians in Jerusalem.
18. The one comprehensive solution presented, of anall-inclusive pluralistic Palestine, is an alternative to war; thatis, a solution poly-national in scope, including all thePalestinians who are able to return, including the residentJewish population and including the Druze people. The methodof resolution available is an international conference ofreconciliation for all concerned parties, this being an immediatenecessity and possibility; a mechanism provided with somemomentum by the current peace process. However the intransigence of many Zionist Israelis will notallow them to tolerate the return of the Palestinian refugeesbecause of their will to remain a majority. Such a paralysiscould be resolved by the departure of those who insist thatthere is not enough space for the Palestinians' return, but manyIsraelis currently wish to leave if they could in any case. Independence and Territoriality
19. The State of Israel of 1948 was not the uniquefirst attempt to initiate a modern Jewish homeland or territory; the first attempts having been in 1791, the Czarist prison calledthe Pale of Settlement in western Russia, and in 1926 atBirobidjan in easternmost Russia. A true Jewish Land failed tomaterialize from the Bolshevik revolution, despite the Leninistpromise to the Jewish Bund / Union organization of 1905. Those attempts have failed the test of viability and yet theJewish people have continued to desire those features of lifeunavailable to them in the prevailing States; that is, urbannational-cultural autonomy in existing settings and the need forautonomous or independent territories. This need for a Land isevident in the worship from afar politics of the various Jewishcommunities towards the Israeli State, a desire which is basedupon the real needs for land, security, peace and the freedomof identity and culture historically denied the Jewish people. Existing societies do not provide for these material necessities,and prevailing political doctrines do not consider these Jewishneeds. However Jewish territorialism should not and need notmean the abandonment of traditional Jewish opposition topolitical power manipulations and Statism. Considering thefailure of the Zionist project, there may be a need for suchterritories to accommodate Sephardim and Ashkenazim intheir respective regions in order to facilitate the departing Israelipopulation who wish to remain a majoritarian society or whohave no country to go to and do not wish to remain in Palestine. At the present time the Russian Jewish population is beingobliged to emigrate to the Zionist State even though previousimmigrants now wish to leave.
The crisis in Palestine is an inter-national problem andshould be placed in a world context. The solution to Palestinian liberation is intertwined with the liberation of the Jewish Peopleworldwide. As such it is conceivable that a Ashkenazicterritory could be formed to accommodate the Jewishpopulations of Russia and Europe, as well as an autonomousterritory for Sepharade in the Makhreb, and national - culturalautonomy for the Hebrew Jewish nationality in Palestine.
20. In this aftermath of the Nazi Holocaust, no oneshould deny the hostility of prevailing Occidental Nation-Statesto national minorities, as none of the participants or spectatorsin that war of extermination have undergone a substantialtransformation. The Zionist establishment follows theseNation-States in parallel, seeking to jump into the footsteps ofpower politics. How bizarre it is that a stockpile of at least 200genocidal nuclear bombs with a Jericho intermediate-rangemissile to carry them have been accumulated by a Stateprofessing peaceful intentions and created in the aftermath ofour genocide. This hypocrisy is evident in the Israeli andZionist support for the criminal actions of the USA-led axis withrespect to Iraq, Iran and the Libyan Jamahiriya.
21. Should anti-Semitism be permitted to existbecause of those who do not believe it is possible to overcomeracism? Is that why the Labour Zionists signed the Haavra(Transfer) Agreement so acting in complicity with the NaziThird Reich, as early as August 1933. Does this not revealthat those who accept the existence of racism in others acceptit also in themselves? Has Zionism recreated the footsteps ofthose whom it did not have the will to oppose? Who could dareto dictate obedience to Zionism after its adherents generallyacted as spectators to the spectacle of the Holocaust?
A Jewish Revolutionary Movement
22. In the tradition of the early nationalist formation-- the 1897 Jewish Bund (General Jewish Workers' League), and based on prior efforts in the development of the Jewish People's Liberation Organization such as theToronto-based Alliance of Non-Zionist Jews (1974), thegroup Canadian Jews Supporting the Palestinians (1980UN - NGO) and, the publication Logik un Sychel, we arebuilding a movement for liberation on an inter-national basis. We are also indebted to the Israeli Committee Against the War which publicly protested the 1982 war on its very first dayand so inspired the Peace Now movement of 500,000participants.
23. The Jewish People's Liberation Organization,a non-zionist formation, acts on behalf of the Jewish andPalestinian Peoples to generate national emancipation incooperation with the Palestinian movement for the liberation ofPalestine, as a contribution to making war unneeded andunwanted. As an ally of the Palestinian People in this struggle, we greet the Palestine National Council in solidarity.
24. Likewise, the J PLO exists as an ally of theother liberation movements operating in our common societies:New Africans/African Americans, Indigenous Peoples,Kébékoise, Chicana, Puerto Rican, African-Caribbean, orAzanian (South Africa); consequently we declare our supportto the International Human Rights Association of AmericanMinorities (NGO) and the Anti-Racist Action (ARA) movement.
~~ J PLO Basic Principles ~~
1) We call for a complete immediate withdrawal ofall the Israeli military and intelligence services from thePalestinian territories occupied by Israel during the 1967 war, in accordance with U.N. resolutions. Withdrawal from boththe occupied Lebanese and Syrian territories is also anecessary precondition for peaceful relations among the societies of the eastern Mediterranean. 2) We call for the creation of a fully independentPalestinian Country; a Civil Society with all the powers of aState, in accordance with U.N. resolutions, throughout theterritories, with full U.N. membership rights, including eastJerusalem and serving as a democratic and pluralist territory forall people of Palestinian origin, serving to reunite familiescontinuing to live in refugee camps throughout the easternMediterranean region.
Such provisions should not be interpreted as possiblyrestricting the individual civil and collective rights of thePalestinians living in the Israeli administration, comprising 19%of that citizenry.
Full voting rights for all Palestinians to the Palestine National Council are necessary for those who were forced toflee Palestine during the 1948 and 1967 wars, or during theyears of Israeli occupation, as well as for holders of Israelicitizenship.
Likewise, Jewish residents who live inPalestinian-controlled lands in peace are assured their individualcivil and collective rights. 3) These interim provisions of the peace processshould lead to the formation of a pluralist and bi-national CivilSociety in the land of Palestine, with a united Jerusalem basedupon the dissolution of the State of Israel.
The return of Palestinians to their historic origins shallbe a right according to the civil constitution formed by aConstitutional Assembly of all nations inhabiting Palestine. Such a Constitutional Assembly would receive representationby all nationalities to formulate a federation of autonomousnational-cultural communities who govern only themselves andnot the others. All rights will exist in reciprocity respecting landrights, water rights, subterranean resources, air passage,immigration, water routes, environmental controls, militarization,federated affiliations, alliances, international representation &etc. It should be noted that citizenship rights are governed byeach autonomous nation while respecting the United Nationscodes of human rights. Personal religious affiliation becomesa personal choice within each nationality itself.
Recuperation or compensation for familial propertiesof pre-1948 Palestine shall be established by treaty.
4) We insist upon the establishment of a nuclear freezone throughout the region so that no country possesses orprepares nuclear, biological or chemical weapons of massdestruction. Transport of materiel used in the production ofsuch devices shall be forbidden by all countries. 5) We furthermore call for an end to economic andpolitical sanctions against Iraq, Iran and the Libyan Jamaihiriya; except for military arms sales restrictions that are equallyapplied to all other key countries in the region. 6) There must be an end to the misguided policyknown as "dual-containment", designed to continueWestern/US-led policies of "divide and rule" which encouragethe development of competing blocks along with continuingregional arms escalation. 7) We recognize Pan-Arabism as the functional basis of the Arab autonomous societies, thus rejecting privateand external economic enterprises' interventions on theeconomic and political plane. The Palestinian Arab People andPalestine form an integral unit in the Pan-Arab Nation. The world context situates the Arab Nation not only amongthe Third World's peoples but also amongst the nationalities thatexist within the industrially developed countries as well.
8) The J PLO seeks to liberate the individual civiland collective rights of Jewish People in the context of thevarious societies where we reside. Our collective rights include provisions for national-cultural autonomy in particular and auto-determination in general. It must be recognized that anti-Jewishanti-Semitism cannot be tolerated, and refugee rights must berespected irrespective of the presence of the Zionist State.
9) Full voting and political rights must be accordedto all Jewish nationals throughout the world in theirrepresentation to the Jewish Congress of their society, as wellas the World Jewish Congress, irrespective of any possibleZionist or religious affiliation.
10) Recognizing the tendency of privately-ownedcompetitive economies to corrupt various State structures in theinterests of fascism and in opposition to Civil Society, andacknowledging the tendency for the revolutionary process todegenerate into Statism; the J PLO seeks to further thedevelopment of the historic dynamic of Socialist PermanentRevolution.
Freiheit mit schitvis 10/ 03 / 1998 ACE
Corresponding address:J PLO - OLP JAbraham Weizfeld organizer : J PLO and Moderator ofSaaLaHa Reconciliation Conference LIST ¸
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~~ SaaLaHa Reconciliation Conference ~~[ The reconciliation of the Palestinian and Jewish People ]copyright © 1994 ACE /5755/1415sponsored by theJewish People's Liberation Organization ( J PLO / OLP J )Peace Camp (Ottawa/Outaouais)anthology:The End of Zionism: and the liberation of the Jewish People
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copyright © 1988 Moderator: Abraham Weizfeld
Citations:* As formulated by Israel Zangwill (1864 - 1926)** Nabil Shaath, L'autodétermination et l'état democratique de Palestine, p. 211-218, Palestine: Actes du colloque Palestine (Bruxelles, 13-15 mai 1976), Douclot - S.N.E.D., Belgique, 1977, ISBN 2-8011-0114-1 pages 213
J PLO declaration published in THE END OF ZIONISM and the liberation of the Jewish People, Clarity Press, Atlanta, Georgia, 1990, Appendix C, p. 106 -111,ISBN: 0-932863-08-6, DS149.E63 1990
See also:SABRA & SHATILAJerusalem International Publishing Houseby Abraham WeizfeldOttawa, 1984
Nation, Society and State: the reconciliation of Palestinian and Jewish Peoplehooddoctoral thesis by Abraham Yecheskel Weizfeld Goldsheider
R E C O N C I L I A T I O N C O N F ER E N C E L I S Tقائمة مؤتمر المصالحةsince 1994 by theJewish People’s Liberation OrganizationEnd Zionism & Judaeophobiaabraham Weizfeld PhD moderator-founder political declaration JPLO ( a Bundist chapter )
Jewish Socialist Bund (
the booksSabra and Shatila (1984) 2009 End of Zionism : and the liberation of the Jewish People 1989 Nation, Society and the State : the reconciliation of Palestinian and Jewish Nationhood
The Federation of Palestinian and Hebrew Nations
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Postcript 2021
The Federation of Palestinian and Hebrew Nations
Jewish Socialist Bund
Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence